Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Let's blog more seriously guys!!!

All right,
We are all in the Tri-Lab in the basement of Social Sciences building now. I don't know to write about what! I mean I have no idea to write about! I thought I am not good at blogging because I don't write in my blog regularly, but after looking at other students blogs I found that I am awesome! I have written 7 posts including this one. I don't know why some of our classmates have not written in their blogs since January! Scott always tell us that blog is a great tool to improve our writing skills in English. He also always mention that students who do good jobs in their blogs can expect bonus marks at the end of the semester when all of us might need these bonus marks. As a result we should be concerned about blogging and we should not leave it just for the last week. I should be more serious about it myself. I must make a plan and do blogging regularly. I did it just whenever I had extra time before, but I should spend a specific time for doing it each week.
A big problem for me to write in the blog is lack of interesting and appropriate topics. However, I think I should not be worry about that too much. Like today, I have to just start writing and following ideas will come automatically. I am sure that our topics and our grammar are not really important for Scott because he would like that we just write.
As a result, let's think more seriously about blogging guys! We just need to specify about 30 minutes for each entry. I think it is not impossible to do that. :)


Fan (*^__^*) said...

I'm your guys' hero today.
owe me 20 dollars now...
just kidding:)

hjm.huang said...

Your blogs are great!
Also,writing a blog is for fun, in my opinion. As a result, my blogs seem a little, maybe much, stupid to many people.

Scott Douglas said...

I think you understand why I want everyone to blog more. It's not so important what you blog about, it is just the fact that you are blogging that is going to help your English. Make a plan, and you'll be amazed at how much you can achieve with your blog!

Hisham said...

i know what you mean i had four other blogs before this one and i really cant think of anything to say so i end up talking gibirish

Sam said...

really serious```

Abdulmohsen's said...

imdI will try.

HaVe FuN

Abdulmohsen's said...

imdI will try.

HaVe FuN

Nahid said...

I can't wait to read your blog about Nowrooz

Good luck :)