Hey guys,
As I said before, I ma going to write about the Iranian new year celebrations and ceremonies.
The Iranian calender is based on spinning of the earth around the sun. The first day of this calender is exactly the first day of spring. There is a long, long history behind that.(thousands of years)
Haft Sin

This is the most famous tradition of "Norooz" (new year). A Haft Sin table includes 7 different things that start with letter "S" in Persian language. Each of these 7 Sins has a symbolic value in Iranian culture. We always sit around the Haft Sin with our family a few minutes before the new year begins and start the new year besides it. You can easily find a Haft Sin in every Iranian family's house a few days before new year and they usually keep it until the 13th day of new year.
4Shanbe Soori

In the previous night of the last Wednesday of the year, people usually go out and make fire. I love this night. This is the celebration of the light (the good) winning over the darkness (the bad). We have a lot of fun there; we drink and dance. I will post some of this year's pictures of "4Shanbe Soori" later!
Actually, new years ceremonies start couple of weeks before the new year when people start to clean their house and get ready for the new year. They cook some traditional cookies and buy whatever they may need for celebrations. In first days of the new year we usually visit our relatives and give presents to each other. I always went to my grandparents' house ,but I can not go this year because I am here in Canada. :( In Iran, all schools and universities and most of offices and work places are closed until that 13th day. At that day which is called the Nature Day in Iran people go out for picnic and spend a day out with their family outside the house.
In fact, the regular life starts from th 14th of the first month in Iran. These two weeks and a few days before them are full of fun and happiness for us. I really like our new year ceremonies and anything related to them.
this year, we will start the new year on Thursday, 9:18:19 am, in Tehran time. I am really excited and happy about it. I hope 1387 year will be a year full of success and happiness for all Iranians around the world.
Dude, I wanted to write about Norooz, but your blog is very complete so there is no need for that. good job. As u said, I miss our new year in our country as well. Here, it doesn't feel like back home. anyway, Happy new year, best wishes.
Hi Behzad!
Hope you are enjoying these beautiful hours with your family,
Thank you for your nice piece of writing about Nowrooz. It's interesting. That would be better to change "7sins" to " 7 SEEN" or "7 SEAN"
Come and see, how my nostalgia feeling made me a poet! ;)
Wish you a very special year, the year which you have always dreamed. May all your dreams come true.
Happy Nowrooz :)
I can't believe that I forgot to give you time to hand out your persian sweets in class on Thursday! I'm so sorry. I guess I tend to get carried away with my lesson plans, and I was so focused on getting a paragraph from the class that I forgot to give you a chance to say Happy New Year to everyone. I promise I'll pay more attention next time!
Ba arze salam va khaste nabashid.
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