This is Persian Gulf. It is located between Iran and Arabian Peninsula. This gulf is a highly strategic place for many reasons. The main reason is that the biggest oil and gas resources of the world are there. For example, South Pars is a share natural gas resource between Iran and Qatar which is the biggest one in the world.
However, my purpose of writing this entry is not introducing Persian Gulf to you. I think most of you heard this word at least one time in your life! Something which is very important for me made me to write about it.
As you know, in every country and every nation there are some concerns that is very important for them. I mean everybody is worry about it in that country. The name of Persian Gulf is one of these main concerns for Persian people. The name of this gulf has been Persian from the beginning of the history and it has been known as the Persian Gulf in any official documents. But after 1960s our kind and lovely neighbours have tried to invent a fake name for it. “Arab Gulf” is the name that they try to use it in their countries and in international documents. Even they are trying to change this name in The United Nations documents. Maybe you think that so what? Why we are this much concerned about this topic. But, it is a national issue for all Iranian people around the world. We don’t want to let them be successful in their target.
We are not enemy of the Arab people and don’t have any problem with them. Even we are friend nations and we have the same religion. Iran and Arab nations have many similar viewpoints together. So, this is not a battle or a clash. We are just trying to keep our identity alive.
Thank you for making this subject clear for our friends, because I think some of them might wonder why we concern about this name that much. Your entry is really complete that I have nothing to add. Nice job dude.
hum hum hum....no no no? i do not agree with u..no body said it is a persian gulf my friend as much u r trying to make sound persian others are trying to make it sound arab gulf? nobody have control of the whole gulf more than arab countries. anyway it is not my problem or my gulf haha...but i think it is just like if i say the medeteranian sea is Algeria sea.
but dont worry ill talk to them and tell them to make it persian...ok khodafes
Hi Mahmood,
You just mentioned a great example.
Mediterranean Sea always has been Mediterranean. See, nobody can not change it to Algerian or Moroccan or maybe Arab-African-European sea!!!So, tell me why our Arab friends are trying to change the name that was from the begging of the history? It is not just what I'm saying. Just go to wikipedia or The United Nations or National Geographic website and see Persian Gulf has been the name of that gulf.But, feel free to call it any other fake name. How is Arab-Algerian Gulf?
Hahaha. Very nice and strong answer to mixer. Like it so much.
u didnt understand my example...i meant that u cant name a whole gulf surounded by many countries after one country hear i give u a name( west asian gulf) so evrybody is happy???and u know what now mixer is angry ..so ill tell the united nation to change it to algerian gulf..?? and it is arab more than it is persian...ok ok
one other thing i have a freind who works in the united nation department and he told me that u guys paid money for them to name it this wayyy...so thats cheating and crimeeee...u will all go to jailll specialy u and ur friend amin or whatever his name is????
Whatever his name is, huh?!? :)) I can not imagine seeing you serious one day!!! Maybe after you get married, but not till then. Anyway I like it about you and besides, I am not going to discuss this issue with you anymore! You can call it whatever you want. How about Lake Luis?!? Tell your friend in UN about Lake Luis!!!! ;)
persian gulf...em~i think we use this name in our history book..and i think it's a big issue, kind of like Taiwan and mainland...another thing, all persian are iranian or all iranian are persian? is there any people are persian but in other country beside Iran?
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