Hello everybody,
I have not written for a long time and I thought I should write something today!
To be honest, my plan was to write at least 3 entries in reading week but, a terrible disease ruined my week. I think it is not bad to share some parts of my lovely week with you guys. It was the harshest and the most unpleasant illness which I have had in entire of my life. You may laugh, but I was thinking that I can not see tomorrow morning on Tuesday night. I mean I was in my bed and I could not even seat down or go to washroom. The most terrible part of that sickness was a killing pain in all my muscles and bones! Add this pain to a high fever and cough and imagine what a wonderful weak I had. However, It has a bright side also! I lost almost 4 kg in one week. I think it is impossible with doing exercise. It happened because I could not eat anything for 5 days!
In all these fabulous days, I was always worried about just one important task to do. My term paper! I could seat and work on Saturday afternoon, so I started to write it just on Saturday! I am not happy with what I wrote in my paper at all but I did not have any other option. It is 15% of our final mark!
Thank God that let me stay alive and do my paper. :)